The truth is, I've never fooled anyone, I've always let them fool themselves, they didn't bother to find out who I really was instead they would invent a character for me. They were obviously loving & hating someone I wasn't.

Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm Ready !

The technical skills that I acquired at Year will certainly bring value to the company I will be interning for. I'm capable of producing plenty of documents in Microsoft suite, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and Word. I am qualified for the position because I can install a motherboard, optical drive, and video card components. I will show that I have enhanced network connectivity skills by determining IP address and connecting multiple computers to the network.

At my internship the soft skills I would like to develop are being able to interact with people in a more conservative professional manner. Being able to comprehend information at a fast pace will help develop a better overall understanding of any company. The hard skills I want to gain at my internship are more training in the technology field.

At my internship I plan to prove every day that I’m dependable by showing up early and leaving late to show I’m dedicated to the position. My personality will prove that I’m a positive person, I will be cheerful and eager to do every assignment/task I receive. Even if I’m doing an assignment if another co-worker needs my help I will be willing to help to show that I’m a team player.

After my internship I plan to look for another Internship in the technology field because the pay is a wonderful wage to assist with my education. I plan to attend Merritt Community College in Oakland, there I will complete my 60 units and graduate with my AA so I can transfer to Cal State Fullerton University.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Making the Utmost of your Internship(s)

      • 1.      Avoid Negativity.
        o When negative situations occur I will always remain the bigger person because I understand the importance of always staying positive in the work place.
        2.      Never shun a chance to learn more about the company/industry.
        o Never seem  tired in a meeting/presentation of the company because that will leave a bad impression on the colleagues you work with. Since you’re the intern in the office you should always want to look engaged in any conversation that’s work related because you never know what information you could be missing out on if you’re not paying attention or just not being an active listener. 
        3.      Set Personal Goals.
        o I will set personal goals for myself each day to make sure I polish my growth areas each morning when I arrive to work I will show up with a new better prospective to ensure I’m getting the most out of my internship.
        4.      Tackle all tasks with enthusiasm and a positive attitude.
        o I have a very cheerful personality so I will use that to my advantage at the internship I will show eagerness with every single task I take on.
        5.      Leave with Tangible Accomplishments.
        I will make sure each day I show up to work I will have a work lasted journal handy to remember all the important things I accomplished that day at my internship.   
        6.      Take Initiative.
        o Being proactive about every assignment you do, no matter what the task is give it your all.
        7.      Network, Network, Network.
        o I will build professional relationships with the colleagues I work with to overall expand my network. I will make the best out of each experience with the groups I work in to ensure I don't burn any bridges because one day it could come back and hurt me.
        8.      Ask Questions.
        o Asking questions is a wonderful way to show you’re concerned about each and every topic, also just to make the clarity of the task more understandable. 
        9.      Get as much exposure as possible.
        o Make sure I have perfect attendance no matter what situations occurs I will always arrive at least 15,20 minutes early I will always leave late to show I’m dedicated to the company and my position.
        10.  Have regular meetings with your supervisors.
        o I will ask my supervisors to lunch or just have a regularly talk with him/her just to see how his/her day is going just to make a better professional connection with them. 
        11.  Find a mentor/role model.
        I have several of mentors and that reason is because a learning experience never ends I believe I could learn special qualities from several people, and that’s why I will never just be satisfied with just one mentor. 
        12.  Enjoy Yourself.
        Your personality is an enormous reflection on the energy you bring in the office you can turn a co-workers frown upside down with a cheerful “Smile and Hello Good morning”.

      Monday, June 18, 2012

      Great Work Experience

      The best job I ever had was working at Sephora in Emeryville located on Bay Street. The primary responsibilities that I held there was keeping a positive disposition towards the clients while greeting them at the door, working at the cash register at a steady speed to ensure long lines weren’t a problem. I was a ubiquitous worker taking the inchoative to go above and beyond cleaning counters emptying the trash when I was on break. I worked on the floor known as the (stage) for the colleagues also known as (cast) would all work as a team to ensure the clients were satisfied with their shopping experience. Working at Sephora was a very enjoyable experience it was a dream job where I can be myself and get paid for it my bubbly/sparkly personality fitted great like a puzzle piece with the atmosphere, music would be playing all day throughout the store which keep my spirits in energy high. The skills I developed that will serve me will in internship is the ability to listening to other peoples point of view before I respond or react to the situation to get a clear understanding. The lessons I learned from the workplace and also about myself are to maintain a professional attitude always when you’re on the job because you never know who’s watching you such as the boss.

      Thursday, June 14, 2012

      "A Rouge Economist Explores The Hidden Side Of Everything"

      Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner main focuses is a number of questions and various facts to support each theme of the chapter. Freakonomics uses blunt analysis to turn conventional wisdom on its head. I believe the author wrote this book to express his mind through facts and statistics to support his ideas for the negative point of views.  The message he was trying to convey was how through his eyes how many negative situations are occurring that no one’s pays much attention to. Yes the passage that left a bad impression on me chapter 3 “Why do drug dealers still live with their mom” in this chapter they basically talked about African-Americans with straight forward facts and opinions in one of the pages they even state the word Nigger and I just didn’t understand what that had to do with the chapter. I can tell some situations were fabricated in the story because African American males calls each other Nigga not Nigger that name was given to use by slaves and it just rubbed me the wrong way it just showed ignorance to me on the authors behalf. The parenting chapter had the richest discussion within our book group we talked about how having a good, bad, or overprotecting parent could affect your life and self-esteem and just a child’s outlook upon life. After reading this book I lost interest in both of the authors and I would never buy and of their books. The way a nonfiction book is written can impact a reader's enjoyment and understanding of it. This book vocabulary really made me gain a lot of knowledge upon new words it surely enhanced my reading, but then again it was so many words I didn’t know so it caused me stop reading then look up the book so I completely started losing interesting for the book. No, I wouldn’t recommend this book because I feel its very one sided and only focuses on the negative outlook upon life within each chapter.

      Tuesday, June 5, 2012

      " Freakonomics "

      Reading Freakonomics has been a weird but interesting road at the same time. I didn't enjoy the book at all because when I read, I like books to take my imagination to a peaceful place all this book does is remind me of all the basic problems I’m surrounded with every day. The reading process has been fine so far because I like how the book has several of different vocabulary words that are enhancing my mind and knowledge. The active reading strategies I have employed are whenever I come across a word that I don’t know such as “conventional wisdom” I look up the word within the dictionary, I find out what part of speech represents the word and I read the synonyms and antonyms as well to make sure I have a clear understanding on what I’m reading instead of just skipping the word like I use to.  Looking up each word helps me a lot because now it’s becoming a habit when I read anything I make sure I clearly understand what the whole concept is about. It provides me with a slight piece of joy to learn new words that most people in my community doesn't know and haven’t even heard of. I enjoy the fact that I could teach my younger cousins something new. The advice I would offer is not to over exaggerate the topics within the book with your own opinions, just read the book and take it as it is. The way I managed the reading is to split it up within a few days to read a few pages at a time to not overwhelm myself.

      Tuesday, May 1, 2012

      In America

      In America, now even though we're supposed to be in a recession, everyone still seems to love shopping. Malls are packed every holiday and having new clothes are always in style. As for me, I am a young African-American lady who adores material things, having new clothes makes me feel happy. I work hard for my money, so I try my best to spend it wisely. Even if I didn't work hard for the cash, it’s still mine to spend. Most stores I shop at always have security and several sales clerks following me around and asking me if I need help when I walk in the store.  Most people enjoy help in stores, but me, I enjoy my space to shop and decide what I like. Once I choose what I want in the store, I still feel judged for being black in various ways. For example, when I go to the counter and bring out my $100 bill, they are shocked to see me with it. Is it just me or is it really strange why must young women be the stereotyped for stealing. 

      Another popular stigma in America, would be that there is prejudice against people with ethnic names. My mother named me Kimberly even though a lot of ethnics groups named their child that. It gives me an advantage of getting jobs over people named Laneth'a, Bonqueshia, and Mercedes. In the working environment, I notice it’s very hard for my friends to get jobs, tips, scholarships and more. Also in the financial district, I never hear those ethnic names in top positions, and I don't expect to, because of how they're presented. And the subject of the matter isn't that their not qualified for the position, it’s just with an ethnic name, they're viewed as being uneducated. 

      I Pledge

       I Kimberly Guthrie will succeed by pledging the following :

      I pledge to respect my community at all times by :
      • Giving my other colleagues a chance to talk and respect all their opinion and ideas.
      • Supporting others with advice, currency, and personal issues.
      • To remain professional at all time.
      I pledge to apply myself to the extreme to make sure I graduate by :
      • Studying hard, staying after school to complete homework assignments on time to prevent myself from getting infractions. 
      • Giving Year Up my all so after I can have a great feeling of accomplishment and joy.
      • Showing up to class early with minutes to spare to earn perfect attendance award.
      I pledge to never quit Year Up no matter how hard and stressful this journey may seem.
      • I been receiving feed back mostly every Friday, but I will never let it faze me.
      • Make sure to listen and understand all the criticism I receive and apply it to my overall performance.
      • Even if i get a couple of infractions I will never quit I will strive for greatness.  

        Monday, April 16, 2012

        Urban Lifestyles

        I would never describe it as my neighborhood because I don't own it, none of these streets or housing projects belong to me it’s just a block. The two neighborhoods I grew up in were Valencia Gardens and SunnyDale housing projects located in San Francisco California. I would describe the environment to be lower income, mostly minorities where a lot of struggles and violence occurs. Babies are delivered in split second just like lives are taken without any remorse. The community I grew up in, the same day of a burial service, a teenage boy gets murdered in cold blood right down the street. Now I shed tears from my heart and soul. To think the community I'm supposed to be from could barely stay alive, and all I could do is ask is why? Why must all my African Americans die our murder rate in San Francisco is so high that our stories are pointless to the press.
         I am who I am because the neighborhood I lived in my heart is cold I trust no one I understand the fact there is no love in these streets. I look at every other black person at times expecting the worst she’s mad because I have long hair or a Gucci purse. I trust no one and push everyone away I shy away from my responsibility sometimes because I believe I don't have what it takes. Being from this environment sometimes I felt as if I will never have no way out, sometimes I just sit alone and think about all the lives that have been taken. I am who I am despite the neighborhood I lived in. I want to unleash my potential and reach for the stars. I want to be more than just the average baby mother, I refuse to apply for GA, I want own wage I'm a teen transforming into a woman. How I was raised my thoughts will never be the same. I wake up with a smile everyday surround by haters judging me expecting failure but I want allow it to be possible. Despite the environment I'm surround by I will live my life to the fullest. I don't want my name to be on a shirt stating that I got hit with a bullet. I want my name to be on a billboard stating that our generation will pull through it. Despite this environment I will rise above I want to be way more than just the average thug.