The truth is, I've never fooled anyone, I've always let them fool themselves, they didn't bother to find out who I really was instead they would invent a character for me. They were obviously loving & hating someone I wasn't.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

In America

In America, now even though we're supposed to be in a recession, everyone still seems to love shopping. Malls are packed every holiday and having new clothes are always in style. As for me, I am a young African-American lady who adores material things, having new clothes makes me feel happy. I work hard for my money, so I try my best to spend it wisely. Even if I didn't work hard for the cash, it’s still mine to spend. Most stores I shop at always have security and several sales clerks following me around and asking me if I need help when I walk in the store.  Most people enjoy help in stores, but me, I enjoy my space to shop and decide what I like. Once I choose what I want in the store, I still feel judged for being black in various ways. For example, when I go to the counter and bring out my $100 bill, they are shocked to see me with it. Is it just me or is it really strange why must young women be the stereotyped for stealing. 

Another popular stigma in America, would be that there is prejudice against people with ethnic names. My mother named me Kimberly even though a lot of ethnics groups named their child that. It gives me an advantage of getting jobs over people named Laneth'a, Bonqueshia, and Mercedes. In the working environment, I notice it’s very hard for my friends to get jobs, tips, scholarships and more. Also in the financial district, I never hear those ethnic names in top positions, and I don't expect to, because of how they're presented. And the subject of the matter isn't that their not qualified for the position, it’s just with an ethnic name, they're viewed as being uneducated. 

I Pledge

 I Kimberly Guthrie will succeed by pledging the following :

I pledge to respect my community at all times by :
  • Giving my other colleagues a chance to talk and respect all their opinion and ideas.
  • Supporting others with advice, currency, and personal issues.
  • To remain professional at all time.
I pledge to apply myself to the extreme to make sure I graduate by :
  • Studying hard, staying after school to complete homework assignments on time to prevent myself from getting infractions. 
  • Giving Year Up my all so after I can have a great feeling of accomplishment and joy.
  • Showing up to class early with minutes to spare to earn perfect attendance award.
I pledge to never quit Year Up no matter how hard and stressful this journey may seem.
  • I been receiving feed back mostly every Friday, but I will never let it faze me.
  • Make sure to listen and understand all the criticism I receive and apply it to my overall performance.
  • Even if i get a couple of infractions I will never quit I will strive for greatness.